Rules of the blog
#1: Anything that I could concieve of as possibly being offensive, crude, or tasteless, or basically anything having to do with the parts of being young that my parents pretend they never experienced, will be in bold font. This will allow some readers to skim over any potentially PG-13 bits, and others to skip right to them. I have never blogged before and might never again, but it beats mass emails, so like Everybody Loves Raymond, I'm aiming for the largest demographic possible.
#2: I have no idea what my internet situation is going to be like, so I don't know how often I'll be updating. I do know that my updates will be hastily done, poorly thought-out, and failing to achieve the humor or seriousness for which I was so obviously straining. I'm just apologizing in advance.
#3: Comments are encouraged, even mean-spirited ones.
#2: I have no idea what my internet situation is going to be like, so I don't know how often I'll be updating. I do know that my updates will be hastily done, poorly thought-out, and failing to achieve the humor or seriousness for which I was so obviously straining. I'm just apologizing in advance.
#3: Comments are encouraged, even mean-spirited ones.
At 10:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
A wise man once told me that blogging is like clogging... except without the cool shoes. Then he knocked over the ladder that I had used to climb ontop of a godforsaken, exitless, Portland-taxpayer-neglected rooftop in the pouring rain and scurried back into the shopping cart that he crawled out of, cackling to himself. While I waited for the 911 operator to stifle her giggles and divert a firetruck from saving people who had real jobs and contributed to society, I drank in the tears of the sky, and I thought about my life, and my general failure in the pursuit of happiness. Where had I gone wrong? I'd like to think that the problem rooted in the guilty Catholic conscious that my nearly-nun mother had imparted to me before I could defend myself. Indeed, Jesus did do hard things, but so did the Vikings, man. If God had asked Jesus to row a longboat between Scandanavia and Newfoundland with a hull full of rune stones, we might all be wearing turbans today. But that's neither here nor there. The point is: ... fuck. I'm not sure what the point is. Maybe that is the point. But good work with this blog thing, Adam, seriously. I'm actually a little psychic, and I can tell that this is a very positive development for your chakra alignment/energy flow... if anyone's interested, I teach yoga classes on my front lawn. Bring your own sticky mat.
At 6:17 AM,
Libby said…
Adam, maybe you should just have Zeke write your blogs for you. He's obviously got a few things to say. Hell, he could probably just invent a whole life for you in Panama, and we'd never even know that you were sitting at home in your parents' basement for the next 2 years, living off them and watching Saved By the Bell re-runs. Whatever you decide, I'm glad to hear you're doing something bad-ass in the world, champ. ~Libby
At 11:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hola hombre de otra madre. You'll never guess who I had lunch with today... Juan Jose. I happened to walk right past as he was eating lunch. What luck. Keep the updates coming man. Hope you don't run into any 'princesas' along the way. And if so, keep em clear of the Quetzalteca or whatever its' equivalent is down there. Cuidate.
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