Where to start?

A month ago, when we recieved our sites, everyone told me how great my site is and how much work there is to be done. Well, there definitely is a lot of work that needs doing. And maybe my site is great; after hearing about how some of the other site visits went, I certainly don't have anything to complain about. For those of you consulting Panamanian maps, Cerro Iglesias is in the middle of the Comarca Ngabe-Bugle, a semi-autonomous indigenous province, kinda like our 'Indian Reservations.' No casinos though. Or fireworks.
Quick history lesson: The whole Comarca region is mostly, if not entirely, farming country made up of families and communities who grow just enough to survive. Cerro Iglesias is a hub of the surrounding area, with a large school, a coffee cooperative, and lots of foreign and NGO money coming in from outside. So the town is growing, and even though it doesn't have electricity or managable roads, the last volunteer just completed their aquaduct and this summer might be the first that the people don't have to go down to the creek to get water.
So where does our intrepid, terrified narrator fit into all this? Well, he really has no idea. Seriously.

The family I'll be staying with for the first month or so while I'm building my house is great. The fabled Ngabe stoicism is practically non-existent; the people are used to seeing new people and even gringos enough that everyone seems openly friendly. My family has given me a Ngabe name, Iyi (ee-gee). And they speak Spanish, even amongst themselves. This last picture is of the road out of Cerro Iglesias as it sits in a cloud.

At 2:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
Corinna dijo....
You´re actually building your own house? I guess there probably aren´t many apartments to rent, huh? What is the weather like? You are incredible.
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